«THE VERY BEST OF ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA» es el álbum que podría contener los clásicos de ELO reeditados y remasterizados por JEFF LYNNE y que tanto estamos esperando, aunque lo anunciamos con todas nuestras reservas de que esto sea o no oficial, ya que contiene el mismo listado de temas que el ya editado hace 6 años «All Over the World: The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra»:
- Mr. Blue Sky
- Evil Woman
- Don’t Bring Me Down
- Sweet Talkin’ Woman
- Shine A Little Love
- Turn To Stone
- The Diary Of Horace Wimp
- Confusion
- Hold On Tight
- Livin’ Thing
- Telephone Line
- All Over The World
- Wild West Hero
- Showdown
- Ma-Ma-Ma Belle
- Xanadu
- Rockaria!
- Strange Magic
- Alright
- Rock ‘N’ Roll Is King acaba de lanzar una promoción «PREORDER» de este disco al precio de 9 libras, (precio normal de 17 libras), indicando además como fecha de lanzamiento el próximo 30 de mayo de 2011. La portada de este disco haría clara referencia con una de las postales que se pueden adquirir en e indicaría el inminente anuncio de novedades con respecto a ELO/JEFF.
"The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra" is the album that could contain the reissued and remastered classics of ELO by JEFF LYNNE, and we've all been eagerly anticipating it. However, we announce it with all our reservations about whether it is official or not, as it contains the same tracklist as the one released six years ago, "All Over the World: The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra": Mr. Blue Sky Evil Woman Don't Bring Me Down Sweet Talkin' Woman Shine A Little Love Turn To Stone The Diary Of Horace Wimp Confusion Hold On Tight Livin' Thing Telephone Line All Over the World Wild West Hero Showdown Ma-Ma-Ma Belle Xanadu Rockaria! Strange Magic Alright Rock 'N' Roll Is King has just launched a "PREORDER" promotion for this album at the price of £9 (normal price £17), indicating a release date of May 30, 2011. The cover of this album would make a clear reference to one of the postcards available on and would suggest the imminent announcement of news regarding ELO/JEFF.