El techo del estadio O2 de Londres quedó parcialmente destruido por los fuertes vientos causados por la tormenta Eunice, lo que provocó el pasado viernes 18 de febrero de 2022 el cierre temporal del recinto, después de que ráfagas de hasta 90 km/h. arrancaron secciones del techo de tela del edificio.

Inevitablemente, no podemos evitar comparar esta imagen con una muy popular dentro del mundo ELO/JEFF. Máxime cuando este recinto albergó algunos conciertos en directo de JEFF LYNNE’S ELO, simulando ser la nave de ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA por aquel entonces.

The roof of the O2 stadium in London was partially destroyed by the strong winds caused by storm Eunice, which caused the temporary closure of the venue on Friday, February 18, 2022, after gusts of up to 90 km/h. sections of the building's fabric roof were torn off.
Inevitably, we can't help but compare this image to a very popular one in the ELO/JEFF world. Especially when this venue hosted some live concerts by JEFF LYNNE'S ELO, pretending to be the ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA ship at that time.