Pantone de Birmingham
En la ciudad de Birmingham, un artista ha creado una paleta de colores para dicha ciudad con una gama de azules muy particular, y ha sido Paul Scott quien amablemente nos ha informado de ello.
Uno de esos azules lo ha denominado «HEY THERE MR BLUE»… Indudablemente, todo un acierto. La mezcla de este color: CYAN 100%, MAGENTA 0%, YELLOW 0%, BLACK 0%.
In the city of Birmingham, an artist has created a color palette for the city with a very particular range of blues, and it has been Paul Scott who has kindly informed us about it.
One of those blues has called it "HEY THERE MR BLUE"… Undoubtedly, a success. The mix of this color: CYAN 100%, MAGENTA 0%, YELLOW 0%, BLACK 0%.