Llegan las entradas del TOUR 2019

Cuando todavía faltan nueve meses para los conciertos que JEFF LYNNE’S ELO celebrará durante su TOUR 2019, ya hay quienes disfrutan de sus entradas recién llegadas a sus domicilios y las muestran como si de un trofeo se tratase. Hay que tener en cuenta que no hay que descuidarse si se tiene claro que se va a asistir a alguno de estos shows. ENHORABUENA a quienes ya disponen de estas entradas en su poder.

When there are still nine months left until the concerts that JEFF LYNNE'S ELO will hold during its 2019 TOUR, there are already those who enjoy their tickets that have just arrived at their homes and show them off as if they were a trophy. It must be taken into account that one should not be careless if it is clear that one is going to attend one of these shows. CONGRATULATIONS to those who already have these tickets in their possession.

JRequena - ELOSP

Webmaster de ELO ESPAÑA

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