Lego ELO & ELO Spaceship

Fantástica recreación LEGO de ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA con la nave espacial ELO incluida.

La banda la forman (de izquierda a derecha), Mike Edwards (RIP), Mik Kaminski, Roy Wood, Bev Bevan, JEFF LYNNE, Kelly Groucutt (RIP) y Richard Tandy.

Nuestro aplauso y felicitación a Matthew por este trabajo.

Fantastic LEGO recreation of the ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA with the ELO spaceship included.
The band consists of (left to right) Mike Edwards (RIP), Mik Kaminski, Roy Wood, Bev Bevan, JEFF LYNNE, Kelly Groucutt (RIP) and Richard Tandy.
Our applause and congratulations to Matthew for this work.

JRequena - ELOSP

Webmaster de ELO ESPAÑA

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