Jeff Lynne ELO Signed Autograph Auto Guitar JSA BAS
Esta guitarra a la que acompaña un certificado de autenticidad reconocido por la industria musical, está firmada por JEFF LYNNE y bien podría ser tuya si optases a pujar por ella a través del siguiente enlace de eBay. No sin antes valorar si su precio de venta encaja con lo que pagarías por ella, o si quisieras hacer una oferta inferior para ver si el vendedor la acepta.
Su precio inicial es de 2.816,76 € aproximadamente. ¿Te parece elevado teniendo en cuenta el valor en alza de quien puso su mano sobre ella para estampar su autógrafo?

This guitar, which comes with a certificate of authenticity recognized by the music industry, is signed by JEFF LYNNE and could well be yours if you choose to bid on it through the following eBay link. Not before evaluating whether its selling price fits with what you would pay for it, or if you would like to make a lower offer to see if the seller accepts it.
Its initial price is approximately €2,816.76. Does it seem high to you considering the rising value of the person who put his hand on her to stamp her autograph?