Flexidisc «Exclusive Interview with JEFF LYNNE»
Esta es una de esas grabaciones flexibles que necesitaban poner «una moneda» encima para evitar que se deslizasen sobre el plato giradiscos por aquello de lo frágil que es. Incluso es normal que necesiten ponerles 2 o 3 monedas, y aún así de todos modos se resbalan. Este flexidisc se incluía con el paquete original de bienvenida de ELO FAN CLUB.
This is one of those flexible recordings that needed to put "a coin" on top to prevent them from slipping on the turntable because of how fragile it is. It is even normal that they need to put 2 or 3 coins on them, and they still slip anyway. This flexidisc was included with the original ELO FAN CLUB welcome pack.