Cartel «ELO-ON TOUR ’76»
Cartel promocional de los TOURS ELO’76 de la United Artists Records para América del Norte, con unas medidas aproximadas de 75×55 cm. Fueron impresos y enviados a las tiendas de discos para un corto espacio de tiempo, apenas una semana. Por suerte todavía queda alguno como este para darlo a conocer a quienes no tuvimos la suerte de verlo.

Promotional poster of the TOURS ELO'76 of the United Artists Records for North America, with approximate measurements of 75x55 cm. They were printed and sent to record stores for a short period of time, barely a week. Luckily there are still some like this to make it known to those of us who were not lucky enough to see it.
That’s my mom in that picture (: we have it framed at her house