«ARMCHAIR THEATRE» con error de prensaje
Recientemente salió a subasta lo que se supone que es el CD en muy buen estado del álbum «ARMCHAIR THEATRE» de JEFF LYNNE de 1990, que incluye su flying desplegable original, pero que posee una característica sin igual; Un error de prensaje que lo hace especial, por el que, una vez que se pulsa PLAY suena el disco de MADONNA «I’m Breathless» completo. Algo que lo haría único y quizá irrepetible.
Evidentemente, no vamos a poner en duda aquí lo que el vendedor anunciaba en su propuesta de subasta y que, es cierto que teníamos ciertas dudas sobre ello. Aún así intentamos pujar, pero no conseguimos llegar a alcanzar su máxima puja, primero por si finalmente no era lo que se anunciaba y segundo porque no estábamos dispuestos a pagar una cantidad elevada si finalmente no era cierto todo lo que se anunciaba.

Quién ganó la subasta podrá atestiguar si, en efecto, es cierto que ese error lo incluye este material, con lo que tiene en sus manos un raro ejemplar de «ARMCHAIR THEATRE» de JEFF LYNNE.

Recently up for auction was what is supposed to be the CD of JEFF LYNNE's 1990 album "ARMCHAIR THEATER" in very good condition, which includes its original folding gatefold, but has an unparalleled feature; A pressing error that makes it special, whereby, once PLAY is pressed, the entire MADONNA album "I'm Breathless" plays. Something that would make it unique and perhaps unrepeatable.
Obviously, we are not going to question here what the seller announced in his auction proposal and it is true that we had certain doubts about it. We still tried to bid, but we were not able to reach their maximum bid, first in case it was not what was advertised and second because we were not willing to pay a high amount if everything that was advertised was not true in the end.
Whoever won the auction will be able to testify if, in fact, it is true that this error is included in this material, thus holding in their hands a rare copy of "ARMCHAIR THEATER" by JEFF LYNNE.