A finales de 2008 se celebró el 40 ANIVERSARIO DE FENDER STRATOCASTER y nos hicimos eco aquí en nuestra web. Con motivo de esa celebración se editó un vídeo y un libro en los que aparecía JEFF LYNNE junto a otros muchos artistas.
Acaba de volver a editarse una segunda tirada de ese libro y de darse a conocer que salieron a la venta 40 GUITARRAS CONMEMORATIVAS NUMERADAS por este acontecimiento realizadas a mano y con placas grabadas en oro con la inscripción de este aniversario. Estas 40 guitarras fueron adquiridas sólo por los artistas que aparecieron en la película y personas que participaron en la producción de la misma.
La número 1 fue subastada y alcanzó la cifra de 32.000 libras que pagó NICK MASON de Pinnacle Records, siendo esta guitarra la más valiosa STRATOCASTER del mundo después de la de Hendrix.
La número 2 la firmaron todos los artistas que adquirieron las demás e incluye la firma de JEFF LYNNE junto a la de GEORGE HARRISON, lo cual indica que tiene una en su poder aunque no sabemos el número de esa guitarra.

La guitarra número 2 está firmada por:
George Harrison, Keith Richards, Mark Knopfler, Brian Adams, Chris Rea, Hank Marvin, Frank Zappa, Rory Gallagher, Sherman Robertson, Nile Rodgers, John Page, JEFF LYNNE, Tony Joe White, Jimmy Vaughan, Roy Rogers, Dweezil Zappa, Steve Miller, Paul Rodgers, Dick Dale, Nils Lofgren, Richie Sambora, Sony Curtis, Bonnie Raitt, Stephen Stills, Bill Schults, Alan Rogan, Debbie Davies, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ray Minhinnett (Producer), Bob Young (Producer), Lee Dixon, Forrest White, Don Randall, Bill Carson, Buddy Guy, y Robin Trower.
At the end of 2008 the 40th ANNIVERSARY OF FENDER STRATOCASTER was celebrated and we echoed it here on our website. On the occasion of that celebration, a video and a book were published in which JEFF LYNNE appeared along with many other artists.
A second printing of that book has just been republished and it was announced that 40 NUMBERED COMMEMORATIVE GUITARS went on sale for this event, made by hand and with plates engraved in gold with the inscription of this anniversary. These 40 guitars were purchased only by the artists who appeared in the film and people who participated in its production.
Number 1 was auctioned and reached the figure of 32,000 pounds paid by NICK MASON of Pinnacle Records, this guitar being the most valuable STRATOCASTER in the world after Hendrix's.
Number 2 was signed by all the artists who acquired the others and includes JEFF LYNNE's signature along with GEORGE HARRISON's, indicating that he has one in his possession.although we don't know the number of that guitar.